Kompetensspridning i Umeå AB

Kompetensspridning i Umeå AB, is a municipal company and is one of the main drivers for the platform North Sweden Cleantech. North Sweden Cleantech is a innovation and export platform in northern Sweden that supports cleantech business development and promotes cleaner growth in collaboration with academia, community and businesses. Environmental issues are high on the agenda for the Umeå municipality and together with regional stakeholders/actors they strive to become a northern hub for cleantech companies. Through the formation of the subsidiary Kompetensspridning i Umeå AB, Umeå municipality can share their experience and knowledge to the world. The idea is also to make business of all the available knowledge to promote both reginal growth and sustainable development. Currently Kompetensspridning is mainly financed through one regional EU project Cleaner Growth and one cross-border project Cleantech Kvarken.